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Old 23-11-2007, 12:10 AM   #3
Đệ tử 1 túi
Tham gia ngày: Mar 2006
Bài gửi: 23
C code của bạn em đây ạ


Filename: CC5G.c

Generate a PWM signal with 40% duty cycle

on pulse-width = 5us

off pulse-width = 20ms

on CCP1 (RC2 pin) compare

and configure CCP2 (RC1 pin) for capture


#include <p18cxxx.h>

#include <p18f452.h>

#include <timers.h>

#include <capture.h>

#pragma config WDT = OFF

#define	PER1_LIMIT	0x0E10

#define PER2_LIMIT	0x0E10


Speed of sound in air = 1130 ft/sec

TMAX = 18.5ms; TMIN = 115us

FOSC = 8MHz; Processor Clock = 2MHz

CCP Clock = 1MHz

Period = Forward + Backward Trip time

0x0E10 -> 1.8ms

0x8CA0 -> 18ms


unsigned int ov_cnt1, cap1_val1, cap1_val2;

unsigned int ov_cnt2, cap2_val1, cap2_val2;

unsigned int period1, period2;					//	16-bit value

unsigned int count = 0;					//	counter used for waiting to turn relays ON

unsigned int count2 = 0;					//	counter used for waiting to turn relays ON

void high_ISR( void );

void low_ISR( void );

#pragma code high_vector = 0x08			//	force the following statement to

void high_interrupt( void ) {			//	start at 0x08


	goto high_ISR



#pragma code low_vector = 0x18			//	force the following statement to

void low_interrupt( void ) {			//	start at 0x18


	goto	low_ISR



#pragma code 

#pragma interrupt high_ISR

void high_ISR( void ) {

	if( PIR2bits.TMR3IF ) {

		PIR2bits.TMR3IF = 0;



	if( PIR1bits.TMR1IF ) {

		PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;






#pragma code

#pragma interrupt low_ISR

void low_ISR( void ) {


	retfie 0



void vDelay( void ) {


	unsigned const int MAX = 45450;

	unsigned int i = 0;


	for( i=0; i<MAX; i++ ) ;



void vDelay10us( void ) {


	unsigned int i = 0;



void vDelay5ms( void ) {


	unsigned const int MAX = 1150;

	unsigned int i = 0;


	for( i=0; i<MAX; i++ ) ;



//	Delay calculations based on 8MHz crystal, 1:1 prescalar for Timer3

void main( void ) {


	unsigned int i = 0;

	unsigned int odd = 0;

	unsigned int flag = 1;					//	flag for determining boat direction

	int num1 = 0;	

	int num2 = 1;

	//	Configure registers for Output Compare -- a 5us trigger pulse

	TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 0;					//	configure CCP1 pin for output

	T1CON = 0x81;							//	turn on Timer1 in 16-bit mode, prescalar = 1

//	CCP1CON = 0x09;							//	configure CCP1 pin to set high initially but pull low on match

//	CCPR1 = TMR1H + 0x0020;					//	start CCP1 compare with delay equals 10

//	PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;					//	clear CCP1IF flag to prevent false interrupt


	OpenTimer1( TIMER_INT_OFF & 

		T1_16BIT_RW & 

		T1_PS_1_1 & 

		T1_OSC1EN_OFF & 



	OpenTimer3( TIMER_INT_OFF & 

			T3_16BIT_RW & 


			T3_PS_1_1 & 


			T1_CCP1_T3_CCP2 );

	T1CON = 0x81;							//	turn on Timer1 in 16-bit mode, prescalar = 1


	TRISD = 0;								//	set PORTD for output

	TRISCbits.TRISC1 = 1;					//	configure CCP2 pin for input

	TRISCbits.TRISC2 = 1;					//	configure CCP1 pin for input

	INTCONbits.GIE = 0;						//	Disable global interrupts

	RCONbits.IPEN = 1;						//	enable priority interrupts

	PIR2bits.TMR3IF = 0;	

	IPR2bits.TMR3IP = 1;					//	promote Timer1 rollover interrupt to high priority

	INTCONbits.PEIE = 1;					//	enable preipheral interrupt

	PIE2bits.TMR3IE = 0;					//	disable Timer3 rollover interrupt


	PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;

	IPR1bits.TMR1IP = 1;

	PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 0;


	TRISB = 0x00;							//	configure PORTB as output


	while( 1 ) {


//		if( !odd )

		PORTD = 0x01;


		PORTD = 0x00;

//		vDelay10us();



//		PORTD = 0x00;


		PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 0;

		CCP2CON = 0x05;

		PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 1;


//		PORTD = 0x00;


		PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 1;				//	disable CCP2 capture interrupt

		PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;			

		IPR2bits.CCP2IP = 1;				//	high priority




			while( !( PIR2bits.CCP2IF ) ) ;		

			cap2_val1 = ReadCapture2();			//	save the first captured edge

			PIR2bits.CCP2IF = 0;

			PIR2bits.TMR3IF = 0;

			PIE2bits.TMR3IE = 1;				//	enable Timer3 rollover interrupt


			PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 0;		

			CCP2CON = 0x04;

			PIE2bits.CCP2IE = 1;


			PORTD = 0x00;


			while( !( PIR2bits.CCP2IF ) ) ;		//	wait for interrupt

			CloseCapture2();					//	disable CCP2 capture

			cap2_val2 = ReadCapture2();

			PIR2bits.TMR3IF = 0;

			PIE2bits.TMR3IE = 0;				//	disable Timer3 rollover interrupt


			if( cap2_val2 < cap2_val1 ) {				//	if timer overflows, decrease overflow count by one


				period2 = ov_cnt2*65536 + cap2_val2 + ( 65536 - cap2_val1 );


			else {

				period2 = ov_cnt2*65536 + cap2_val2 - cap2_val1;



			ov_cnt2 = 0;				//	Reset overflow counter


//		vDelay5ms();		

		PORTD = 0x02;


		PORTD = 0x00;




//		PORTD = 0x00;


		PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 0;

		CCP1CON = 0x05;

		PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 1;


//		PORTD = 0x00;


		PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 1;				//	disable CCP2 capture interrupt

		PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;			

		IPR1bits.CCP1IP = 1;				//	high priority




			while( !( PIR1bits.CCP1IF ) ) ;		

			cap1_val1 = ReadCapture1();			//	save the first captured edge

			PIR1bits.CCP1IF = 0;

			PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;

			PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 1;				//	enable Timer3 rollover interrupt


			PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 0;		

			CCP1CON = 0x04;

			PIE1bits.CCP1IE = 1;



			while( !( PIR1bits.CCP1IF ) ) ;		//	wait for interrupt

			CloseCapture1();					//	disable CCP2 capture

			cap1_val2 = ReadCapture1();

			PIR1bits.TMR1IF = 0;

			PIE1bits.TMR1IE = 0;				//	disable Timer3 rollover interrupt


			if( cap1_val2 < cap1_val1 ) {				//	if timer overflows, decrease overflow count by one


				period1 = ov_cnt1*65536 + cap1_val2 + ( 65536 - cap1_val1 );


			else {

				period1 = ov_cnt1*65536 + cap1_val2 - cap1_val1;



			ov_cnt1 = 0;				//	Reset overflow counter



			if( period1 > PER1_LIMIT & period2 > PER2_LIMIT & flag ) {


				count2 = 0;

				num1 &= 0;

				num2 = 0;

				if( count > 20 ) {

					PORTB = 0x0C;		//	Forward




			if( period1 > PER1_LIMIT & period2 > PER2_LIMIT & !flag ) {


				num2 = 0;

//				num1 = 0;

				count2 = 0;

				if( count > 20 ) {			

					PORTB = 0x03;		//	Reverse				




			if( period1 > PER1_LIMIT & period2 < PER2_LIMIT ) {

				PORTB = 0x00;

				flag = 1;

				count = 0;


				if( count2 > 20 )

					PORTB = 0x0C;		//	Forward



			if( period1 < PER1_LIMIT & period2 > PER2_LIMIT ) {

				PORTB = 0x00;

				flag = 0;

				count = 0;




				if( num1 > 20 ) {

					PORTB = 0x03;	//	Reverse	




			if( period1 < PER1_LIMIT & period2 < PER2_LIMIT ) {

				PORTB = 0x00;		//	Shut down 

				count = 0;

				count2 = 0;








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thay đổi nội dung bởi: falleaf, 23-11-2007 lúc 08:02 AM.
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