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dsPIC - Bộ điều khiển tín hiệu số 16-bit Theo dự kiến của Microchip, vào khoảng năm 2011 dsPIC sẽ có doanh số lớn hơn PIC

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Old 03-12-2008, 11:42 AM   #1
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Jun 2008
Bài gửi: 9
dsPIC30F4011 điều khiển động cơ BLDC

Mình đang điều khiển động cơ BLDC 3 phase có cảm biến Hall, đây là đoạn code của minh cung với sơ đồ mạch, không hiểu sao chẳng có tín hiệu PWM ra gì cả, mong mọi người đọc và chỉ giúp, minh dung con IR2101S để kích cho Mosfet:


#define FCY  10000000          // xtal =10 Mhz; PLLx4
#define MILLISEC FCY/10000  // 1 mSec delay constant
#define FPWM 39000
#define POLEPAIRS	  5            // number of pole pairs of the motor
#define INDEX	1	   // Hall sensor position index
#define RPMConstant 60*(FCY/256)     // bang 2343750 (Voi FCY = 10000000)
#define S2	!PORTCbits.RC14     // nut S2 duoc nhan thi se co gia tri bang 0
#define S3	!PORTCbits.RC13     // nut S3 duoc nhan thi se co gia tri bang 0

#define CR	0x0D         // 14
#define LF 	0x0A         // 10
#define BAUD  19200             // set baud rate to 19200
#define SPEEDMULT  2343750  // factor used to calculate speed 
#define OFFSET 8		   // offset in InData to load speed values
#define POTMULT 4	   // pot to speed ratio

#define Kps	750	// Kp and Ks terms need to be adjusted as per
#define Kis	20	// the motor and load 

void InitADC10(void);
void AverageADC(void);
void DelayNmSec(unsigned int N);
void InitMCPWM(void);
void InitUART(void);
void SendSpeed(void);
void InitTMR3(void);
void SendMsg(void);
void CalculateDC(void);

struct {
			unsigned RunMotor : 	1;   
			unsigned CalSpeed :	1;   
			unsigned CheckRX  :	1;   
			unsigned SendTX   :	1;   
			unsigned unused    :          12;  
		}	Flags;

unsigned int HallValue;     
unsigned int timer3value;   
unsigned int timer3avg;     
unsigned char polecount;    
unsigned char *TXPtr;        
unsigned char *RXPtr;       
int DesiredSpeed;           
int ActualSpeed;            
int SpeedError;             
int DutyCycle;              
int SpeedIntegral;          
unsigned char InData[] = {"000000"};
unsigned char OutData[] = {"Speed = 00000 rpm\r\n"};  

unsigned int StateTable[] = {0x0000, 0x0210, 0x2004, 0x0204,
									0x0801, 0x0810, 0x2001, 0x0000}; 

	Low side driver table is as below.  In the StateLoTableClk,
	the Low side driver is a PWM while the high side driver is
	either on or off.  

unsigned int StateLoTableClk[] = {0x0000, 0x0210, 0x2004, 0x0204,
									0x0801, 0x0810, 0x2001, 0x0000};
unsigned int StateLoTableAntiClk[] = {0x0000, 0x2001, 0x0810, 0x0801,
									0x0204, 0x2004, 0x0210, 0x0000};

Interrupt vector for Change Notification CN5, 6 and 7 is as below.
When a Hall sensor changes states, an interrupt will be
caused which will vector to the routine below
The program then reads PORTB, mask bits 3, 4 and 5,
shift and adjust the value to read as 1, 2 ... 6.  This 
value is then used as an offset in the lookup table StateLoTableClk
or StateLoTableAntiClk to determine the value loaded in the OCDCON 
register.  This routine also reads the Hall sensors and counts
up to the POLEPAIRS to determine the time for one mechanical
revolution using the fact that 1 mech rev = POLEPAIR*(1 elect. rev)
void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _CNInterrupt(void)
	IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;				// clear flag
	HallValue = PORTB & 0x0038;	    // mask RB3,4 & 5
	HallValue = HallValue >> 3;	    // shift right 3 times
	OVDCON = StateLoTableAntiClk[HallValue];
// The code below is uses TMR3 to calculate the speed of the rotor
// Khi khoi lenh chi gom mot cau lenh thi co the bo qua cac dau ngoac nhon dau"{" va cuoi"}"
	if (HallValue == INDEX)             // has the same position been sensed?
		if (polecount++ == POLEPAIRS)   // has one mech rev elasped?
		{								// yes then read timer 3
		timer3value = TMR3;
		TMR3 = 0;
		timer3avg = ((timer3avg + timer3value) >> 1);
		polecount = 1;
// Below are the interrupt vectors for the serial receive and transmit
void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _U1TXInterrupt(void)
	IFS0bits.U1TXIF = 0;	// clear interrupt flag

void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _U1RXInterrupt(void)
	IFS0bits.U1RXIF = 0;	// clear interrupt flag
	*RXPtr = U1RXREG;
	if (*RXPtr == CR)
		{Flags.CheckRX = 1;RXPtr = &InData[0];}
	else *RXPtr++;

The ADC interrupt reads the demand pot value. 


void __attribute__((__interrupt__)) _ADCInterrupt(void)
	IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;	
	DesiredSpeed = ADCBUF0;
	Flags.CalSpeed = 1;		// after every adc read,  do a PI calculation

int main(void)
	LATE  = 0x0000;
	TRISE = 0xFFC0;		// PWMs are outputs
	CNEN1 = 0x00E0;		// CN5,6 and 7 enabled
	CNPU1 = 0x00E0;		// enable internal pullups
	IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;	            // clear CNIF
	IEC0bits.CNIE = 1;	           // enable CN interrupt
	timer3avg = 0;
		while (!S2);	// wait for start key hit
		while (S2)	// wait till key is released
		// read hall position sensors on PORTB
		HallValue = PORTB & 0x0038;   // mask RB3,4 & 5
		HallValue = HallValue >> 3;	  // shift right to get value = 1, 2 ... 6
		OVDCON = StateLoTableAntiClk[HallValue];  // Load the overide control register
		PWMCON1 = 0x0777;     // enable PWM outputs
		Flags.RunMotor = 1;      // set running flag
		T3CONbits.TON = 1;     // start tmr3
		polecount = 1;
		while (Flags.RunMotor)   // while motor is running
			if (S2)	// if S2 is pressed, stop						                                       
				PWMCON1 = 0x0700; // disable PWM outputs
  				OVDCON  = 0x0000;  // overide PWM low.
				Flags.RunMotor = 0;  // reset run flag
				while (S2)       // wait for key release					
			if (Flags.CalSpeed)		 // if calculate flag set then 
				SendSpeed();        // send present speed serially
				CalculateDC();      // calculate new dutycycle using PI
				Flags.CalSpeed = 0;  // clear flag 
	}	// end of while (1)

}	// end of main
		Below is the code required to setup the ADC registers for :
		1. 1 channel conversion (in this case RB2/AN2)
		2. PWM trigger starts conversion
		3. Pot is connected to CH0 and RB2
		4. AD interrupt is set and buffer is read in the interrupt 
void InitADC10(void)

 ADPCFG = 0xFFF8;	// all PORTB = Digital;RB0 to RB2 = analog
 ADCON1 = 0x0064;	// PWM starts conversion
 ADCON2 = 0x0200;	// simulataneous sample 4 channels									
 ADCHS  = 0x0002;		// Connect RB2/AN2 as CH0 = pot  
 ADCON3 = 0x0080;	// Tad = internal RC (4uS)
 IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;
 IEC0bits.ADIE = 1;

 ADCON1bits.ADON = 1;	// turn ADC ON

InitMCPWM, intializes the Motor PWM as follows:
1. FPWM = 39000 hz at 10Mips
2. Independant PWMs
3. Control outputs using OVDCON
4. Init Duty Cycle with a value = 100
5. Set ADC to be triggered by PWM special trigger

void InitMCPWM(void)
	PTPER = FCY/FPWM - 1; // set the pwm period register (PTPER = 255)

	PWMCON1 = 0x0700;     // disable PWMs 
	OVDCON  = 0x0000;      // allow control using OVD register
	PDC1 = 100;	       // init PWM DC 1, 2 and 3 to 100 
	PDC2 = 100;      // tuc la chu ki nhiem vu la ((100/2)/PTPER)*100% = 19.6%
	PDC3 = 100;
	SEVTCMP = PTPER;     // set ADC to trigeer at ...
	PWMCON2 = 0x0F;      // 16 PWM values (0000 1111 0000 0000)
	PTCON   = 0x8000;	     // start PWM however output ...
		                 // is enabled by OVDCON which is OFF

Tmr3 is used to determine the rotor speed so it is set to count using Tcy/256


void InitTMR3(void)
	T3CON = 0x0030;// internal Tcy/256 clock (0000 0000 0011 0000); tat Timer3
	TMR3 = 0;         // 16-bits timer count register (o day bat dau dem tu 0)
	PR3 = 0xFFFF;    // 16-bits Period Register

void InitUART(void)
// Initialize the UART1 for BAUD = 19,200  
 U1MODE = 0x8000;
 U1STA  = 0x0000;
 U1BRG  = ((FCY/16)/BAUD) - 1; // set baud to 19200
 IEC0bits.U1RXIE = 1;	     // enable RX interrupt
 RXPtr = &InData[0];	     // point to first char in receive buffer
 Flags.CheckRX = 0;	     // clear RX and TX flags
 Flags.SendTX = 0;

 U1STAbits.UTXEN = 1;           // Initiate transmission

// SendSpeed sends the speed information on the uart at 19200 baud
void SendSpeed()
unsigned int k;
unsigned char c;
	k = SPEEDMULT/timer3avg;  // 2343750/timer3avg
	c = k/10000;
	if (c > 0)
		k = k - c*10000;
	OutData[OFFSET] = (c + 0x30);
	c = k/1000;
	if (c > 0)
		k = k - c*1000;
	OutData[OFFSET+1] = (c + 0x30);
	c = k/100;
	if (c > 0)
		k = k - c*100;
	OutData[OFFSET+2] = (c + 0x30);
	c = k/10;
	if (c > 0)
		k = k - c*10;
	OutData[OFFSET+3] = (c + 0x30);
	OutData[OFFSET+4] = (char)(k + 0x30);
	TXPtr = &OutData[0];
	Flags.CalSpeed = 0;

void SendMsg(void)
while (*TXPtr)
	while (U1STAbits.UTXBF);
	U1TXREG = *TXPtr++;

CalculateDC, uses the PI algorithm to calculate the new DutyCycle value which
will get loaded into the PDCx registers.


void CalculateDC(void)
	ActualSpeed = SPEEDMULT/timer3avg;         // Toc do thuc
	DesiredSpeed = DesiredSpeed*POTMULT;      // Toc do yeu cau
	SpeedError = DesiredSpeed - ActualSpeed;   // Sai so toc do
			SpeedIntegral += SpeedError;
	DutyCycle = (((long)Kps*(long)SpeedError + (long)Kis*(long)SpeedIntegral) >> 16);
	PDC1 = PDC1 + DutyCycle;	
	if (PDC1 < 50)
		{PDC1 = 50;SpeedIntegral = 0;}
	if (PDC1 > 512)
		{PDC1 = 512;SpeedIntegral = 0;} 
	PDC2 = PDC1;
	PDC3 = PDC1;


// This is a generic 1ms delay routine to give a 1mS to 65.5 Seconds delay
// For N = 1 the delay is 1 mS, for N = 65535 the delay is 65,535 mS. 
// Note that FCY is used in the computation.  Please make the necessary
// Changes(PLLx4 or PLLx8 etc) to compute the right FCY as in the define
// statement above.

void DelayNmSec(unsigned int N)
unsigned int j;
 	for(j=0;j < MILLISEC;j++);

thay đổi nội dung bởi: namqn, 04-12-2008 lúc 02:02 AM.
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