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Old 29-12-2011, 09:35 PM   #1
Đệ tử 1 túi
tetsu-jp's Avatar
Tham gia ngày: May 2011
Nơi Cư Ngụ: nước Đức
Bài gửi: 18
what do you use for PIC, assembly, or C language?

Or BASIC maybe.

I used RISC assembly for a while, 16F and 18F, as well 16F extended range.
I have a codebase of about 1 megabyte sources now.
However it becomes more and more messy to maintain, means it can take a long while to understand a source from 3 years ago, especially when the schematics are absent.

So, recently I decided to use Hitech-C in the future.
I tried it one evening and had a small program running after only some minutes.

It is not I do not like assembly, or I could not understand it.
But, doing advanced things results in length sources stretching over pages, and in C
it is considerably less lines. As well the banking is now handled by the compiler.

PIC32 assembly is very complicated- too complicated for me actually, I have taken a look the programming manuals. For PIC32 C language is the only way to go!
tetsu-jp vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn   Trả Lời Với Trích Dẫn

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