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Chương trình dịch & các công cụ mô phỏng Khu vực này chỉ có thành viên diễn đàn mới được vào

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Old 23-06-2013, 06:26 PM   #1
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Jun 2013
Bài gửi: 3
giúp em lỗi này

Error [192] C:\Users\trang\Downloads\sd\sd.c; 92.1 undefined identifier "CCP1X"
Error [192] C:\Users\trang\Downloads\sd\sd.c; 134.1 undefined identifier "CCP1X"
em dùng hi-tech c compiler


// File will compile with the free Hi-Tech C compiler.
// Recording is done by the ADC using only the LSB. Bytes are written to the SD
// at the rate of 20KHz. It is similar to the format of .wav sound files.
// For playback CCP is used as a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter).
#include <htc.h>


#define CS RC0 //chip select input
#define Stop RB0 //stop pushbutton
#define Play RB1 //play PB
#define Rec RB2 //record PB
#define Pause RB3 //pause PB
#define RecLED RB5
#define errorLED RB4

unsigned long loc; //pause location

unsigned char SPI(unsigned char data) // send character over SPI
SSPBUF = data; // load character
while (!BF); // sent
return SSPBUF; // received character

char Command(unsigned char frame1, unsigned long adrs, unsigned char frame2 )
unsigned char i, res;
SPI((frame1 | 0x40) & 0x7F); //first 2 bits are 01
SPI((adrs & 0xFF000000) >> 24); //first of the 4 bytes address
SPI((adrs & 0x00FF0000) >> 16);
SPI((adrs & 0x0000FF00) >> 8);
SPI(adrs & 0x000000FF);
SPI(frame2 | 1); //CRC and last bit 1

for(i=0;i<10;i++) // wait for received character
res = SPI(0xFF);
if(res != 0xFF)break;
return res;

void InitSD(void)
unsigned char i;

for(i=0; i < 10; i++)SPI(0xFF); // min 74 clocks
CS=0; // Enabled for SPI mode

if (Command(0x00,0,0x95) !=1) errorLED = 1; // Reset SD command

while (Command(0x01,0,0xFF) !=0) {} //wait for idle state

SSPM1 = 0; // full speed 2MHz
CS = 1;

void WriteSD(void)
unsigned int r,i;
CS = 0;
ADON = 1;
RecLED = 1;

r = Command(25,loc,0xFF); //multi sector write
if(r != 0)
errorLED = 1;
ADON = 0;
RecLED = 0;

while(Stop && Pause)
SPI(0xFC); //multi sector token byte
GODONE = 1; //ADC input sample
while(!TMR2IF){} //20KHz clock
SPI(ADRESL); //send analogue byte
TMR2IF = 0;
//play while record
CCP1X = ADRESL & 1; //shift byte to get the required PWM duty cycle
CCPR1L = (ADRESL >> 1);
SPI(0xFF); // CRC
SPI(0xFF); // CRC

if((r=SPI(0xFF) & 0x0F) == 0x05){ //data accepted = 0101
if(r=SPI(0xFF)) break;
errorLED = 1;
while(SPI(0xFF) != 0xFF); // while busy
loc += 512;
SPI(0xFD); //stop transfer token byte

while(SPI(0xFF) != 0xFF); // while busy

CS = 1;
ADON = 0;
RecLED = 0;

void ReadSD(void)
unsigned int i,r;
unsigned char data;
CS = 0;
r = Command(18,loc,0xFF); //read multi-sector
if(r != 0)errorLED = 1; //if command failed

while(Stop && Pause)
while(SPI(0xFF) != 0xFE); // wait for first byte
data = SPI(0xFF);
CCP1X = data & 1; //shift byte to get the required PWM duty cycle
CCPR1L = (data >> 1);
TMR2IF = 0;
SPI(0xFF); //discard of CRC
loc += 512;

Command(12,0x00,0xFF); //stop transmit
CS = 1;

void main(void)
// unsigned char Pause = 0;
// unsigned int i;
loc = 512;

// PIC I/O init
TRISC = 0b10010000; // sck rc3, sdo rc5, sdi rc4, CS rc0, rc2 CPP1.
TRISB = 0b1111; // switches
RBPU = 0; //pullup on
RecLED = 0;
errorLED = 0;

//analogue init
CCP1CON = 0B1100; //PWM mode
PR2 = 100; //20KHz
T2CON = 0B100; //prescale 1, post scale 1, timer2 on
ADCON1 = 0B11001110; // Fosc/16, ch1, ref=Vdd, right just.
ADCON0 = 0B1000000; // Fosc/16.

//SPI init
SSPCON = 0B110010; //low speed osc/64(125kHz),enabled,clock idle=H
CS = 1; // disable SD


while(1) {
if(!Rec) WriteSD();
if(!Play) ReadSD();
if(!Stop) loc = 512;

ngoctien007 vẫn chưa có mặt trong diễn đàn   Trả Lời Với Trích Dẫn

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