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Old 21-03-2010, 04:41 PM   #1
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Jun 2009
Bài gửi: 4
cặp thu phát FS1000A_PCR1A 315mhz

bác nào co kinh nghiệm về 2 con này thì giúp em với.em truyền nhận tín hiệu giữa 2 con này băng pic 16f887.nhưng mạch chỉ chạy đúng khi em cấp điện vào còn sau đó thì chỉ nhân dc toàn tín hiệu nhiễu.em nghĩ code đúng vì nó nhận đúng khi cấp điện.nhưng ko hiểu sao chỉ đúng trong lần phát đầu tiên.ko biết 2 con này nên xài anten như thế nào.em chỉ gắn sợi dây điện làm anten cho nó
đây là code viết trong mikroc


// Manchester module connections
sbit MANRXPIN at RC0_bit;
sbit MANRXPIN_Direction at TRISC0_bit;
sbit MANTXPIN at RC1_bit;
sbit MANTXPIN_Direction at TRISC1_bit;
// End Manchester module connections

char index, character;
char s1[] = "This is";
char noise = 0;

void main() {

ANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
C1ON_bit = 0; // Disable comparators
C2ON_bit = 0;
Man_Send_Init(); // Initialize transmitter

while (1) { // Endless loop

Man_Send(0x0B); // Send "start" byte
Delay_ms(500); // Wait for a while

character = s1[0]; // Take first char from string
index = 0; // Initialize index variable
while (character) { // String ends with zero

Delay_ms(90); // Wait for a while
index++; // Increment index variable
character = s1[index]; // Take next char from string
Man_Send(0x0E); // Send "end" byte


code Receiver:

// Manchester module connections Start
sbit MANRXPIN at RC0_bit;
sbit MANRXPIN_Direction at TRISC0_bit;
sbit MANTXPIN at RC1_bit;
sbit MANTXPIN_Direction at TRISC1_bit;
// End Manchester module connections End

unsigned char error = 0, ErrorCount = 0, temp = 0;

void main() {

ANSEL = 0; // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
C1ON_bit = 0; // Disable comparators
C2ON_bit = 0;


Man_Receive_Init(); // Initialize Receiver

do{ // Rx Routine forever loop

temp = Man_Receive(&error); // Attempt byte receive

if (error) goto ERROR_BYTE; // if comm's error goto error handler
goto START_BYTE; // if good byte Received goto start handler

UART1_Write_Text("ErrorByte count = "); // Write error and count to UART
ErrorCount++; // Update error counter
if(ErrorCount > 5) goto RE_SYNC;
goto GET_BYTE;

if (temp == 0x0B){ // "Start" byte value expected is 0xC3
goto DISPLAY_BYTE; // goto the Display routine
goto NOISE_BYTE; // Valid data byte found is not a start byte
// go to noise reporting loop

if(temp == 0x0E) goto STOP_BYTE; // Valid Stop Byte found Exit

UART1_Write_Text("Valid Data Found\n\r"); // Send Activity to UART

while (1){ // loop to collect all valid data
temp = Man_Receive(&error); // Attempt byte receive
if (error) goto ERROR_BYTE; // if comm's error goto error handler
if (temp == 0x0E)break; // Stop condition found Exit while loop
UART1_Write(temp); // write received byte on UART
UART1_Write_Text("\n\r"); // new line + Carriage Return

goto STOP_BYTE; // Exit UART write loop

UART1_Write_Text("Synchronized But Data Found is Noise = "); // Send Activity to UART
goto GET_BYTE; // Exit noise detect loop


UART1_Write_Text("Synchronizing\n\r"); // Display Activity on 2nd Row
temp = Man_Synchro(); // Try to synchronize again
ErrorCount = 0; // Reset error counter
if (temp == 0xFF) goto RE_SYNC; // Sync failed try again
goto GET_BYTE; // Sync complete start over again

if (temp == 0x0E){ // If "End" byte was received
UART1_Write_Text("Valid Stop Found\n\r"); // Send Activity to UART
goto GET_BYTE; // start over again

}while(1); // Rx Routine

} // main
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