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Old 25-10-2013, 10:42 AM   #1
Nhập môn đệ tử
Tham gia ngày: Oct 2012
Bài gửi: 6
Exclamation Lỗi __builtin_()!! vào check hộ mình với

Mọi người vào check dùm !! mình k hiểu lỗi này thế nào mình nghĩ câu lệnh đúng chứ nhỉ r cả lệnh #else nữa sau #else mình viết hàm thì chữ nó chuyển sang dạng như kiểu chú thíc ấy
Còn đây là code :

#include "p30f4012.h"
#include "svm.h"



typedef signed int SFRAC16;

#define CLOSED_LOOP     
#define PHASE_ADVANCE    

#define FCY  20000000	 // xtal = 5Mhz; PLLx16 -> 20 MIPS
#define FPWM 20000		 // 20 kHz, so that no audible noise is present.
#define _10MILLISEC	 10  // Used as a timeout with no hall effect sensors
#define _100MILLISEC 100 
#define _1000MILLISEC 1000

#define PHASE_ZERO 	57344
#define PHASE_ONE	((PHASE_ZERO + 65536/6) % 65536)
#define PHASE_TWO	((PHASE_ONE + 65536/6) % 65536)
#define PHASE_THREE	((PHASE_TWO + 65536/6) % 65536)
#define PHASE_FOUR	((PHASE_THREE + 65536/6) % 65536)
#define PHASE_FIVE	((PHASE_FOUR + 65536/6) % 65536)

#define MAX_PH_ADV_DEG 40  

#define MAX_PH_ADV 		(int)(((float)MAX_PH_ADV_DEG / 360.0) * 65536.0)

#define HALLA	1	// Connected to RB3
#define HALLB	2	// Connected to RB4
#define HALLC	4	// Connected to RB5
#define CW	0		// Counter Clock Wise direction
#define CCW	1		// Clock Wise direction
#define SWITCH_S2	(!PORTCbits.RC14) // Push button S2

#define MINPERIOD	313		// For 6000 max rpm and 10 poles motor
#define MAXPERIOD	31250	// For 60 min rpm and 10 poles motor
#define SFloat_To_SFrac16(Float_Value)	\
        ((Float_Value < 0.0) ? (SFRAC16)(32768 * (Float_Value) - 0.5) \
        : (SFRAC16)(32767 * (Float_Value) + 0.5))

void InitADC10(void);	
void InitMCPWM(void);	
void InitTMR1(void);	
void InitTMR3(void);	
void InitUserInt(void);	
void InitICandCN(void);	
void RunMotor(void);	
void StopMotor(void);	
void SpeedControl(void);  
void ForceCommutation(void); 
void ChargeBootstraps(void); 

int PhaseValues[6] __attribute__((far,section(".const,r")))=

int PhaseOffset = 4100;

	unsigned MotorRunning	:1;  // This bit is 1 if motor running
	unsigned unused			:15;

unsigned int Phase;	
signed int PhaseInc; 
signed int PhaseAdvance;
unsigned int HallValue;	 
unsigned int Sector;  
unsigned int LastSector; 
unsigned int MotorStalledCounter = 0;

char SectorTable[] = {-1,4,2,3,0,5,1,-1};

unsigned char Current_Direction;	
unsigned char Required_Direction;	

unsigned int PastCapture, ActualCapture, Period;


SFRAC16 MeasuredSpeed, RefSpeed;	
SFRAC16 ControlOutput = 0;	

SFRAC16 Kp = SFloat_To_SFrac16(0.1);   // P Gain
SFRAC16 Ki = SFloat_To_SFrac16(0.01);  // I Gain
SFRAC16 Kd = SFloat_To_SFrac16(0.000); // D Gain

SFRAC16 ControlDifference[3] \
        __attribute__((__space__(xmemory), __aligned__(4)));
SFRAC16 PIDCoefficients[3]   \
        __attribute__((__space__(ymemory), __aligned__(4)));


void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _T1Interrupt (void)
	IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
	Period = ActualCapture - PastCapture;  

	if (Period < (unsigned int)MINPERIOD)  // MINPERIOD or 6000 rpm
		Period = MINPERIOD;
	else if (Period > (unsigned int)MAXPERIOD) // MAXPERIOD or 60 rpm
		Period = MAXPERIOD;

    // PhaseInc is a value added to the Phase variable to generate the sine
    // voltages. 1 electrical degree corresponds to a PhaseInc value of 184,
    // since the pointer to the sine table is a 16bit value, where 360 Elec
    // Degrees represents 65535 in the pointer.
    // __builtin_divud(Long Value, Int Value) is a function of the compiler
    // to do Long over Integer divisions.
	PhaseInc = __builtin_divud(512000UL, Period);	// Phase increment is used
								 					// by the PWM isr (SVM)

    // This subroutine in assembly calculates the MeasuredSpeed using
    // fractional division. These operations in assembly perform the following
    // formula:
    //                   MINPERIOD (in fractional)
    //  MeasuredSpeed = ---------------------------
    //                    Period (in fractional)
    { int divr;
	__asm__ volatile("repeat #17\n\t"
                         "divf %1,%2\n\t"
                          :  /* output */ "=a"(divr)
                                     :  /* input */ "r"(_MINPERIOD),
       MeasuredSpeed = divr;


	if (Current_Direction == CCW)
		MeasuredSpeed = -MeasuredSpeed;


#if !defined(__C30_VERSION__) || (__C30_VERSION__ < 200) || (__C30_VERSION__ == 300) || defined(TEST_ASM)
        {  register int wreg4 asm("w4") = _MAX_PH_ADV;
           register int wreg5 asm("w5") = MeasuredSpeed;

           asm volatile("mpy %0*%1, A" : /* no outputs */
                                       : "r"(wreg4), "r"(wreg5));
           asm volatile("sac A, %0" : "=r"(PhaseAdvance));
        {  register int a_reg asm("A");

           a_reg = __builtin_mpy(_MAX_PH_ADV, MeasuredSpeed, 0,0,0,0,0,0);
           PhaseAdvance = __builtin_sac(a_reg, 0);



	MotorStalledCounter++;	// We increment a timeout variable to see if the
                            // motor is too slow (not generating hall effect
                            // sensors interrupts frequently enough) or if
                            // the motor is stalled. This variable is cleared
                            // in halls ISRs
    if ((MotorStalledCounter % _10MILLISEC) == 0)
		ForceCommutation();	// Force Commutation if no hall sensor changes
                            // have occured in specified timeout.
	else if (MotorStalledCounter >= _1000MILLISEC)
		StopMotor(); // Stop motor is no hall changes have occured in
                     // specified timeout

void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _CNInterrupt (void)
	IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag
	HallValue = (unsigned int)((PORTB >> 3) & 0x0007);	// Read halls
	Sector = SectorTable[HallValue];	// Get Sector from table

    // This MUST be done for getting around the HW slow rate
	if (Sector != LastSector)
		// Since a new sector is detected, clear variable that would stop
        // the motor if stalled.
		MotorStalledCounter = 0;

		// Motor current direction is computed based on Sector
		if ((Sector == 5) || (Sector == 2))
			Current_Direction = CCW;
			Current_Direction = CW;

		if (Required_Direction == CW)
			Phase = PhaseValues[Sector];
			Phase = PhaseValues[(Sector + 3) % 6] + PhaseOffset;
		LastSector = Sector; // Update last sector


void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _IC7Interrupt (void)
	IFS1bits.IC7IF = 0;	// Cleat interrupt flag
	HallValue = (unsigned int)((PORTB >> 3) & 0x0007);	// Read halls
	Sector = SectorTable[HallValue];	// Get Sector from table

    // This MUST be done for getting around the HW slow rate
	if (Sector != LastSector)
		// Calculate Hall period corresponding to half an electrical cycle
		PastCapture = ActualCapture;
		ActualCapture = IC7BUF;

		MotorStalledCounter = 0;

		if ((Sector == 3) || (Sector == 0))
			Current_Direction = CCW;
			Current_Direction = CW;

		if (Required_Direction == CW)
			Phase = PhaseValues[Sector];
			Phase = PhaseValues[(Sector + 3) % 6] + PhaseOffset;
		LastSector = Sector; // Update last sector


void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _IC8Interrupt (void)
	IFS1bits.IC8IF = 0;	// Cleat interrupt flag
	HallValue = (unsigned int)((PORTB >> 3) & 0x0007);	// Read halls
	Sector = SectorTable[HallValue];	// Get Sector from table

    // This MUST be done for getting around the HW slow rate
	if (Sector != LastSector)
		// Since a new sector is detected, clear variable that would stop
        // the motor if stalled.
		MotorStalledCounter = 0;

		// Motor current direction is computed based on Sector
		if ((Sector == 1) || (Sector == 4))
			Current_Direction = CCW;
			Current_Direction = CW;

        // Motor commutation is actually based on the required direction, not
        // the current dir. This allows driving the motor in four quadrants
		if (Required_Direction == CW)
			Phase = PhaseValues[Sector];
			Phase = PhaseValues[(Sector + 3) % 6] + PhaseOffset;
		LastSector = Sector; // Update last sector


void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _PWMInterrupt (void)
	IFS2bits.PWMIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag

	if (Required_Direction == CW)
		if (Current_Direction == CW)
			Phase += PhaseInc;    // Increment Phase if CW to generate the
                                  // sinewave only if both directions are equal
		// If Required_Direction is CW (forward) POSITIVE voltage is applied
		SVM(ControlOutput, Phase + PhaseAdvance);	
		SVM(ControlOutput, Phase);
		if (Current_Direction == CCW)
			Phase -= PhaseInc;      // Decrement Phase if CCW to generate
									// the sinewave only if both
									// directions are equal
		// If Required_Direction is CCW (reverse) NEGATIVE voltage is applied
		SVM(-(ControlOutput+1), Phase + PhaseAdvance);// PhaseAdvance addition
													  // produces the sinewave
													  // phase shift
		SVM(-(ControlOutput+1), Phase);

void __attribute__((interrupt, no_auto_psv)) _ADCInterrupt (void)
	IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag
	RefSpeed = ADCBUF0; // Read POT value to set Reference Speed

int main(void)
	InitUserInt();	// Initialize User Interface I/Os
	InitADC10();	// Initialize ADC to be signed fractional
	InitTMR1();		// Initialize TMR1 for 1 ms periodic ISR
	InitTMR3();		// Initialize TMR3 for timebase of capture
	InitICandCN();	// Initialize Hall sensor inputs ISRs
	InitMCPWM();	// Initialize PWM @ 20 kHz, center aligned, 1 us of
                    // deadtime
		if ((SWITCH_S2) && (!Flags.MotorRunning))
			RunMotor();	// Run motor if push button is pressed and motor is
                        // stopped
		else if ((SWITCH_S2) && (Flags.MotorRunning))
			StopMotor();// Stop motor if push button is pressed and motor is
                        // running
	return 0;

void ChargeBootstraps(void)
	unsigned int i;
	OVDCON = 0x0015;	// Turn ON low side transistors to charge
	for (i = 0; i < 33330; i++) // 10 ms Delay at 20 MIPs
	PWMCON2bits.UDIS = 1;
	PDC1 = PTPER;	// Initialize as 0 voltage
	PDC2 = PTPER;	// Initialize as 0 voltage
	PDC3 = PTPER;	// Initialize as 0 voltage
	OVDCON = 0x3F00;	// Configure PWM0-5 to be governed by PWM module
	PWMCON2bits.UDIS = 0;

void RunMotor(void)
	// init variables
	ControlDifference[0] = 0;	// Error at K	(most recent)
	ControlDifference[1] = 0;	// Error at K-1
	ControlDifference[2] = 0;	// Error at K-2	(least recent)
	PIDCoefficients[0] = Kp + Ki + Kd;	// Modified coefficient for using MACs
	PIDCoefficients[1] = -(Ki + 2*Kd);	// Modified coefficient for using MACs
	PIDCoefficients[2] = Kd;			// Modified coefficient for using MACs

	TMR1 = 0;			// Reset timer 1 for speed control
	TMR3 = 0;			// Reset timer 3 for speed measurement
	ActualCapture = MAXPERIOD; 	// Initialize captures for minimum speed
								//(60 RPMs)
	PastCapture = 0;

	// Initialize direction with required direction
	// Remember that ADC is not stopped.
	HallValue = (unsigned int)((PORTB >> 3) & 0x0007);	// Read halls
	LastSector = Sector = SectorTable[HallValue];	
	if (RefSpeed < 0)
		ControlOutput = 0;	// Initial output voltage
		Current_Direction = Required_Direction = CCW;
		Phase = PhaseValues[(Sector + 3) % 6] + PhaseOffset;
		ControlOutput = 0;	// Initial output voltage
		Current_Direction = Required_Direction = CW;
		Phase = PhaseValues[Sector];

	MotorStalledCounter = 0;	
	PhaseInc = __builtin_divud(512000UL, MAXPERIOD);

	// Clear all interrupts flags
	IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;	// Clear timer 1 flag
	IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag
	IFS1bits.IC7IF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag
	IFS1bits.IC8IF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag
	IFS2bits.PWMIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag

	// enable all interrupts
	__asm__ volatile ("DISI #0x3FFF");
	IEC0bits.T1IE = 1;	// Enable interrupts for timer 1
	IEC0bits.CNIE = 1;	// Enable interrupts on CN5
	IEC1bits.IC7IE = 1;	// Enable interrupts on IC7
	IEC1bits.IC8IE = 1;	// Enable interrupts on IC8
	IEC2bits.PWMIE = 1;	// Enable PWM interrupts
        DISICNT = 0;

	Flags.MotorRunning = 1;	// Indicate that the motor is running

void StopMotor(void)
	OVDCON = 0x0000;	// turn OFF every transistor

	// disable all interrupts
	__asm__ volatile ("DISI #0x3FFF");
	IEC0bits.T1IE = 0;	// Disable interrupts for timer 1
	IEC0bits.CNIE = 0;	// Disable interrupts on CN5
	IEC1bits.IC7IE = 0;	// Disable interrupts on IC7
	IEC1bits.IC8IE = 0;	// Disable interrupts on IC8
	IEC2bits.PWMIE = 0;	// Disable PWM interrupts
        DISICNT = 0;

	Flags.MotorRunning = 0;	// Indicate that the motor has been stopped
#if !defined(__C30_VERSION__) || (__C30_VERSION__ < 200)
void SpeedControl(void)
{ 	register SFRAC16 *ControlDifferencePtr asm("w8") = ControlDifference;
	register SFRAC16 *PIDCoefficientsPtr asm("w10") = PIDCoefficients;
	register SFRAC16 x_prefetch asm("w4");
	register SFRAC16 y_prefetch asm("w5");

	CORCONbits.SATA = 1; 	// Enable Saturation on Acc A
	// Calculate most recent error with saturation, no limit checking required
	__asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, A" : /* no outputs */ : "r"(RefSpeed));
	__asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, B" : /* no outputs */ : "r"(MeasuredSpeed));
	__asm__ volatile ("SUB A");
	__asm__ volatile ("SAC A, [%0]" : /* no outputs */ :
	// Prepare MAC Operands
	__asm__ volatile ("MOVSAC A, [%0]+=2, %2, [%1]+=2, %3" :
                                /* outputs */ "+r"(ControlDifferencePtr),
	__asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, A" : /* no outpus */ : "r"(ControlOutput));			// Load Acc with last output
	// Perform MAC
	__asm__ volatile ("REPEAT #2\n\t"
	                  "MAC %2*%3, A, [%0]+=2, %2, [%1]+=2, %3" :
                                /* outputs */ "+r"(ControlDifferencePtr),
	// Store result in ControlOutput with saturation
	__asm__ volatile ("SAC A, %0" : "=r"(ControlOutput));
	CORCONbits.SATA = 0; 	// Disable Saturation on Acc A
	// Store last 2 errors
	ControlDifference[2] = ControlDifference[1];
	ControlDifference[1] = ControlDifference[0];

	#ifndef CLOSED_LOOP
		ControlOutput = RefSpeed;

	// ControlOutput will determine the motor required direction
	if (ControlOutput < 0)
		Required_Direction = CCW;
		Required_Direction = CW;
 void SpeedControl_using_inline_asm (void) {
        SFRAC16 *ControlDifferencePtr = ControlDifference;
        SFRAC16 *PIDCoefficientsPtr = PIDCoefficients;
        register SFRAC16 x_prefetch asm("w4");
        register SFRAC16 y_prefetch;

        CORCONbits.SATA = 1;    // Enable Saturation on Acc A
        // Calculate most recent error with saturation, no limit checking required
        __asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, A" : /* no outputs */ : "r"(RefSpeed));
        __asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, B" : /* no outputs */ : "r"(MeasuredSpeed));
        __asm__ volatile ("SUB A");
        __asm__ volatile ("SAC A, [%0]" : /* no outputs */ :
        // Prepare MAC Operands
        __asm__ volatile ("MOVSAC A, [%0]+=2, %2, [%1]+=2, %3" :
                                /* outputs */ "+x"(ControlDifferencePtr),
        __asm__ volatile ("LAC %0, A" : /* no outpus */ : "r"(ControlOutput));                  // Load Acc with last output
        // Perform MAC
        __asm__ volatile ("REPEAT #2\n\t"
                          "MAC %2*%3, A, [%0]+=2, %2, [%1]+=2, %3" :
                                /* outputs */ "+x"(ControlDifferencePtr),
        // Store result in ControlOutput with saturation
        __asm__ volatile ("SAC A, %0" : "=r"(ControlOutput));
        CORCONbits.SATA = 0;    // Disable Saturation on Acc A
        // Store last 2 errors
        ControlDifference[2] = ControlDifference[1];
        ControlDifference[1] = ControlDifference[0];

        // If CLOSED_LOOP is undefined (running open loop) overide ControlOutput
        // with value read from the external potentiometer
        #ifndef CLOSED_LOOP
                ControlOutput = RefSpeed;

        // ControlOutput will determine the motor required direction
        if (ControlOutput < 0)
                Required_Direction = CCW;
                Required_Direction = CW;

void SpeedControl(void) {
        SFRAC16 *ControlDifferencePtr = ControlDifference;
        SFRAC16 *PIDCoefficientsPtr = PIDCoefficients;
        SFRAC16 x_prefetch;
        SFRAC16 y_prefetch;

	register int reg_a asm("A");
	register int reg_b asm("B");

	CORCONbits.SATA = 1;    // Enable Saturation on Acc A
	reg_a = __builtin_lac(RefSpeed,0);
	reg_b = __builtin_lac(MeasuredSpeed,0);
	reg_a = __builtin_subab();
        *ControlDifferencePtr = __builtin_sac(reg_a,0);
	reg_a = __builtin_movsac(&ControlDifferencePtr, &x_prefetch, 2,
				 &PIDCoefficientsPtr, &y_prefetch, 2, 0);
        reg_a = __builtin_lac(ControlOutput, 0);
	reg_a = __builtin_mac(x_prefetch,y_prefetch,
                              &ControlDifferencePtr, &x_prefetch, 2,
                              &PIDCoefficientsPtr, &y_prefetch, 2, 0);
	reg_a = __builtin_mac(x_prefetch,y_prefetch,
                              &ControlDifferencePtr, &x_prefetch, 2,
                              &PIDCoefficientsPtr, &y_prefetch, 2, 0);
	reg_a = __builtin_mac(x_prefetch,y_prefetch,
                              &ControlDifferencePtr, &x_prefetch, 2,
                              &PIDCoefficientsPtr, &y_prefetch, 2, 0);
        ControlOutput = __builtin_sac(reg_a, 0);
        CORCONbits.SATA = 0;    // Disable Saturation on Acc A
        // Store last 2 errors
        ControlDifference[2] = ControlDifference[1];
        ControlDifference[1] = ControlDifference[0];

        // If CLOSED_LOOP is undefined (running open loop) overide ControlOutput
        // with value read from the external potentiometer
        #ifndef CLOSED_LOOP
                ControlOutput = RefSpeed;

        // ControlOutput will determine the motor required direction
        if (ControlOutput < 0)
                Required_Direction = CCW;
                Required_Direction = CW;

void ForceCommutation(void)
	HallValue = (unsigned int)((PORTB >> 3) & 0x0007);	// Read halls
	Sector = SectorTable[HallValue];	// Read sector based on halls
	if (Sector != -1)	// If the sector is invalid don't do anything
		// Depending on the required direction, a new phase is fetched
		if (Required_Direction == CW)
			// Motor is required to run forward, so read directly the table
			Phase = PhaseValues[Sector];
			// Motor is required to run reverse, so calculate new phase and
            // add offset to compensate asymmetries
			Phase = PhaseValues[(Sector + 3) % 6] + PhaseOffset;

void InitADC10(void)

	ADPCFG = 0x0038;				// RB3, RB4, and RB5 are digital
	ADCON1 = 0x036E;				// PWM starts conversion
									// Signed fractional conversions
	ADCON2 = 0x0000;
	ADCHS = 0x0002;					// Pot is connected to AN2

	ADCON3 = 0x0003;
	IFS0bits.ADIF = 0;				// Clear ISR flag
	IEC0bits.ADIE = 1;				// Enable interrupts

	ADCON1bits.ADON = 1;			// turn ADC ON

void InitMCPWM(void)
	TRISE = 0x0100;	// PWM pins as outputs, and FLTA as input
	PTPER = (FCY/FPWM - 1) >> 1;	// Compute Period based on CPU speed and
                                    // required PWM frequency (see defines)
	OVDCON = 0x0000;	// Disable all PWM outputs.
	DTCON1 = 0x0010;	// ~1 us of dead time
	PWMCON1 = 0x0077;	// Enable PWM output pins and configure them as
                        // complementary mode
	PDC1 = PTPER;	    // Initialize as 0 voltage
	PDC2 = PTPER;	    // Initialize as 0 voltage
	PDC3 = PTPER;	    // Initialize as 0 voltage
	SEVTCMP = 1;	    // Enable triggering for ADC
	PWMCON2 = 0x0F02;	// 16 postscale values, for achieving 20 kHz
	PTCON = 0x8002;		// start PWM as center aligned mode

void InitICandCN(void)
	//Hall A -> CN5. Hall A is only used for commutation.
	//Hall B -> IC7. Hall B is used for Speed measurement and commutation.
	//Hall C -> IC8. Hall C is only used for commutation.

	// Init Input change notification 5
	TRISB |= 0x38;		// Ensure that hall connections are inputs
	CNPU1 = 0;	    	// Disable all CN pull ups
	CNEN1 = 0x20;		// Enable CN5
	IFS0bits.CNIF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag

	// Init Input Capture 7
	IC7CON = 0x0001;	// Input capture every edge with interrupts and TMR3
	IFS1bits.IC7IF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag

	// Init Input Capture 8
	IC8CON = 0x0001;	// Input capture every edge with interrupts and TMR3
	IFS1bits.IC8IF = 0;	// Clear interrupt flag


void InitTMR1(void)
	T1CON = 0x0020;			// internal Tcy/64 clock
	TMR1 = 0;
	PR1 = 313;				// 1 ms interrupts for 20 MIPS
	T1CONbits.TON = 1;		// turn on timer 1

void InitTMR3(void)
	T3CON = 0x0020;			// internal Tcy/64 clock
	TMR3 = 0;
	PR3 = 0xFFFF;
	T3CONbits.TON = 1;		// turn on timer 3

void InitUserInt(void)
	TRISC |= 0x4000;	// S2/RC14 as input
	// Analog pin for POT already initialized in ADC init subroutine
	PORTF = 0x0008;		// RS232 Initial values
	TRISF = 0xFFF7;		// TX as output
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thay đổi nội dung bởi: untilyou_92, 25-10-2013 lúc 10:56 AM.
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